TAN....TAN...I LOVE MY TAN! This book should be one of your must reads for 2009...An instant page turner! I am currently reading the book and Im so impressed! The book sheds light on a rather gloomy topic. TAN which she poetically describes as a "tryflin ass nigga". Harsh in language as it can be perceived. But the idea of comparing men to a "tan"...is genious! Honey T clearly is not male bashing and she happens to voice this clearly all throughout the book. This book is very much important in Urban communities but as she mentions a TAN is any guy, color, race, etc. I can only imagine how many women after reading this will begin to make changes in their lives for the better. As you read you will recoginze the stages of different "tans" and how to recognize them and avoid getting "burned" this is a wonderful way to exhibit an unique fashion of uplifting and impowering women!
BEAUTY MARK: Where did the Concept I love my tan come from?
HONEY T: "I Love My TAN" came from my friends and I being in and out of bad relationships. I was tired of hearing the same stuff over and over from different people. I started noticing a trend and I was just like "Oh my God, niggas are so tryflin". Me and a good friend of mine, started a group called T.N.A which stands for "Tryfe Niggas Anonymous" and it's for young women who are addicted to Tryflin Ass Niggas. I'm lazy so I decided to shorten that to TANs. Next thing I know, I got helluva my potnas talkin about "My TAN this or my TAN that" it was great. I knew right then I had started something so I decided to start the book.
BEAUTYMARK: What would be your favorite chapter in the book? why?
HONEY T: My favorite chapter would probably be "Aloe Vera Cooling Gel" because I talk about how to deal with TANs and how to heal after you've been "sun burned". I think this chapter offers some valuable advice and it can really help women, especially the way that I write. I'm really honest and straight to the point...but I'm not an asshole with it. My book and that chapter specifically is like talking to your home girl....ya know?
BEAUTYMARK: If you could tell an aspiring writer one thing ; one piece of advice, what would it be and why?
HONEYT: Maaaaan all my potnas want to be writers now lol and I'm tellin all of them to DO IT! Don't let NOBODY hold you back...stay focused (REALLY FOCUSED) and just DO IT. Knowing that what you say has a chance to get heard by 100's to 1000's to MILLIONS of people...is a great feeling.
BEAUTYMARK: For all your readers, Will there be another book in the works?
HONEY T: I have a couple more books that I'm working on, as soon as I get all the promotion and marketing done for this one. My next projects are "TAN Tales" which is an anthology of stories from "Tan Victims". I also have "TAN No More" which is going to be an anthology of men who are no longer TANs. I'm going for a series lol.
F0LL0W ME @ www.twitter.com/honeytaylor
CHECK 0UT MY B00K SiTE @ http://www.ilovemytan.com/
ADD me on myspace and read excerpts from ILOVEMYTAN www.myspace.com/ilovemytan09