Thursday, March 28, 2013


Love conquers all... A saying that seems so cliche, but inspires so many. Love? What does that mean to you? What does it encompass? What will you do to have it in your life? Do you give it? Are you receptive to it? Love. Well Love has always been something that has been apart of me. I knew love in the womb. As weird as that sounds. lol But a mother's love is something you can never forget. My dad? I  never experienced that bond or love between us. I was never subjected to it from him. Does he Love? I would hope so. Does it make me lose sleep at night? Not at all. However, Love surrounded me. In every way you could possibly imagine. I was love. Someone might think that I am being too corny or too excited about Love. Pssh! What do they know? Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. It's free. It's easy to spread. It transfers a positive energy from one person to the next.. effortlessly, without any hurt or pain. Love is... Amazing. Simply put. I would love to know how Love has infiltrated into your life. What does it mean to you? Sure love can exist between your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend, family member/sibling, friends...all these people require some Love out of you. But what about the love you have for yourself? Have you ever thought about how much that needs to be nurtured, cared about, grown. I tell myself "I love you Dominique".. This act causes me to accept the love and to give it all in one sentence. It allows me to be accountable for loving myself. Some people fail to love themselves..that is my point. If you can love those around you, make sure you show yourself that much love. This took a random turn? lol The moral of this is Love. Love. Love and when all else fails...Just love some more. 

Be sweet  :)

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